Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: trapaholic on September 09, 2011, 11:00 pm

Title: I have access to very high quality Cocaine, should I start? Is there Demand?
Post by: trapaholic on September 09, 2011, 11:00 pm
Hey ya'll, I'm a new poster here on SR and I really love it and appreciate all the kind folks on here.

I was wondering what the demand was like on blow on this site?

I've seen the other vendors stuff and I must say I am impressed. I have very similar stuff to the poster "CantFeelMyFace" in apperance, and I feel as if I can offer at a substantial discount to the prices listed.

So should I start? What should I know about shipping powders? Any feedback, negative or positive, is welcome :)
Title: Re: I have access to very high quality Cocaine, should I start? Is there Demand?
Post by: nomad bloodbath on September 09, 2011, 11:03 pm
Do you have a SR vendors account?
I'd start there. :D
nomad bloodbath
Title: Re: I have access to very high quality Cocaine, should I start? Is there Demand?
Post by: mito on September 09, 2011, 11:07 pm
Send me a sample please............... :D


Title: Re: I have access to very high quality Cocaine, should I start? Is there Demand?
Post by: 46&2 on September 09, 2011, 11:15 pm
if you have lower prices and your quality is comparable or better than the current offerings then i bet you will find success with moving your goods.
i tend to be a repeat buyer, if it is worth it ;)
Title: Re: I have access to very high quality Cocaine, should I start? Is there Demand?
Post by: 46&2 on September 10, 2011, 12:17 am
it looks like the current vendors have had a lot of business.
Title: Re: I have access to very high quality Cocaine, should I start? Is there Demand?
Post by: GaltRR on September 10, 2011, 12:25 am
If your fast, reliable, and discrete you will have a decent costumer base.
Title: Re: I have access to very high quality Cocaine, should I start? Is there Demand?
Post by: sabialabia on September 10, 2011, 01:49 am
i think the longest thread on this board is a cocaine vendor thread.  so there's that lol.
Title: Re: I have access to very high quality Cocaine, should I start? Is there Demand?
Post by: anon1911 on September 11, 2011, 06:20 am

I will be happy to review a sample for you. Please contact me for details.   ;D
